Last Updated: 1/6/2025 8:20 PM © 2025 NWATR
Rainbow Bridge
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It's with a heavy heart and lump in my throat that we said goodbye to Sarah yesterday... It was an unexpected, sudden, and very hard decision to make.
.Even though she was only with us for less than two years I can honestly say she was the best dog I ever had. Someone loved her very much before, she was mine.
She will be missed dearly... June is even a little off today without Serr-Bear around to play with her like they did every morning...
Thanks Mom for making me get her from the shelter and thank you for being there yesterday too. Couldn't of done it alone. ❤️
Nola and I are heartbroken to tell you we said goodbye to Tucker this morning. We picked him up from Connie in (I think) 2008 so we've had 14 years of love, affection, and not a little grumpiness from him.
We found out about three years ago he had an enlarged heart and thought he'd leave us any time due to that. Medication helped him though, and he started to lose the strength in his rear legs some months ago. His quality of life deteriorated recently, and we knew it was time. The last thing he saw and heard was us loving on him, and he went peacefully.
Wrigley July 20, 2008 - March 12, 2022
Big Thanks to NWATR for allowing our family to be blessed with our awesome and incredible, sweet boy Wrigley. The love and devotion he gave to his family greatly surpassed all expectation. We’ll never forget the day Megen Opsahl, an NWATR volunteer, brought him to us, to his forever home. We immediately fell in love with Wrigley and we knew we were loved back as he always expressed it with his tremendous smile and hilarious prat-falls! Each and every day that Wrigley was with us he brought so much joy and laughter. He loved going everywhere with his peeps. Adventurous road trips, exploring new places, hiking, beaches, snow, as well as having his family and friends over. His presence was always felt by everyone and the memories he created for our entire family will always be remembered and forever cherished. He had an incredible smile and his wiggle-butt, tippy-toe dance was epic! He was such a good, smart, and loving boy. An amazing gift that has forever changed our lives. We love him and miss him dearly. Well done, good and faithful companion.
In Memory of Henry - Dirk Miller and Mark Besta, who loved Henry so very much
Go well, sweet boy.
Dear, Sweet Henry. Where did you learn so quickly to become such an integral, loving part of our day to day lives? And now, why are all of those familiar things that we did each and every day with you no longer necessary? We keep replaying those daily memories as well as other cherished, memorable moments of your precious life like a film loop . . . over and over again. It’s just that you seemed to understand things we couldn’t, and you always sensed that there was a problem before it became obvious to us. Where did you learn so quickly the rhythm of good news and bad and to stay close by our side when we were down or troubled and stay there until you sensed calm once again? How did you so naturally teach us the essence of freedom and the importance of appreciating the moment . . . and how to live like every single car trip to the store was like a romp on the beach or a swim in the ocean? And how did you learn that in exchange for your gift to us of unquestioned love, that you would seek nothing in return but a simple pat on the head and to be a part of our family, if even for a while. And now that the pattering of your paws on wooden floors no longer graces our home and the wagging of your tail no longer greets us at our door, you continue to teach us that the insurmountable void left by your absence is the price we must pay to have been blessed with your immeasurable love and loyalty for so many years. We love you sweet puppy!
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