Roxie is a pretty girl. She is almost 8 years old, very active and weighs 65 pounds. She is housebroken and walks very well on lead. Her owners lost their home in a fire and moved to a large city. They surrendered Roxie when the new situation did not seem to suit her. She is just settling in to her foster home in Tracy, California. Roxie would do best with an active owner who needs a walking/hiking/running companion, since she has lots of energy. She is not fond of small dogs or cats. Pretty Roxie might be the perfect Airedale friend for you! Roxie is in foster care in Tracy, CA. Please be sure you have an application in with us at and do let us know that you are interested in learning more about this nice girl by emailing Connie Turner at or calling 503 399 9819. As always with an Airedale Terrier, a securely fenced yard along with lots of time to spend with you Airedale is a must.
More about Roxie
Not Good with Cats, Requires a yard, Leashtrained
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